Breakfast with Santa at Hightopps

Breakfast with Santa to Benefit Santa's Helpers Anonymous
Saturday, December 14, 2019 & Sunday, December 15, 2019
9-11 am
Two days this year! Come on Saturday or Sunday (or both!!)
A delicious breakfast buffet will be served including Santa Scrambled Eggs, Blitzen Bacon, Scrooge Sausage Nuggets, Prancer Pancakes and Frosty Fruit.
Santa and Mrs. Claus will be arriving on a 1947 MAC Pumper firetruck from the Fire Museum of Maryland! While Santa is busy with pictures, children can enjoy Mrs. Claus’ narration of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas near our fireplace. Kids can enjoy a fun Christmas craft to take home!
Tickets are only $20.00 for an adult (13+).
$10.00 for each child (3-12), children 2 years old and under are free
Reserve your spot at:
or Pay at the Door